Saturday, August 16, 2014


The door prizes -- by a door!
This Saturday, August 16th (1-3 p.m., 3rd floor, Bucktown, 225 E. 2nd Street, downtown Davenport, Iowa), I'm holding a launch party for my fourth book, Melody Madson - May It Please the Court? This is not my first rodeo - I know that people are not going to be coming out of the woodwork to hear me read and purchase my book; I will most likely know everyone there. I'm not going to sell out of my books and will probably have a lot of food left over. But the launch party is still worth it to me because that's not why I do it.

My launch parties are celebrations of a completed project, years of writing, rewriting, revising, editing, and getting a print book in my hand. It's a graduation of sorts - moving into a new phase in the book's life from production to marketing. Plus, I just like to have a party. I try to make the parties as fun as possible with very little focus on selling books. Since my first naive launch party for Crush and Other Love Poems for Girls, I've learned to have a presentation - a reading and a question and answer period.

I'm also into theme parties so I get creative with food and door prizes. For Other Side of Crazy, I had crazy food and door prizes. For Melody Madson, I'm sticking with a lawyer and from-the-book theme. For food we're having M&Ms (for Melody's initials); gavel cookies I'm fashioning out of hard drying frosting, sandwich cookies, peanut butter cups, and tube cookies; soda; and veggies pizza (because Melody is always eating pizza in the book, though not veggie). In addition to free books, I have four themed door prizes: a basket of items one might find on or in Melody's desk at work; a bag of chocolates because every teen I know likes chocolate; a can of instant vanilla coffee because Melody's develops a taste for it; and dog toys she might use to play with her cocker spaniel, Justice.

It will be fun for me and whoever else shows up - because it's a party!

(To read more about the book, click here to go to the book page on my website.)

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