Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I am an introvert. There, I said it. I've always been this way -- quiet, reflective, not social. However, I greatly enjoy talking about writing, books, and being an author; therefore, I don't dread personal appearances as much as some writers.

Now, with three books under my belt, I have a little bit of experience with book signings, readings, and presentations. And I've decided to focus on the latter two of these three types of appearances. Some authors, I know, have had great success at signings and, from what I've observed, this success seems to be proportional to how outgoing they are at their signings. They address people as they enter the store or wander through the store, approaching and engaging potential readers. I find this extremely daunting. When I am shopping -- for books or anything else -- I need my space and time to think. If I would approach a customer, I'd be afraid I would be bothering them. So at my signings, I'm friendly and say hello to people if they look my way and I engage in conversation if they approach me, but I don't go out of my way.

And then there is the whole signature thing. Really, how much is my name in their book really worth? I'm guessing very, very little. So I like to add value to my appearances. Readings and presentations give me a chance to provide my potential readers with value. They are events, enjoyable and worth something in their own rights, even if no books are sold. After listening to me for a few minutes, perhaps the next time they see my book, they'll be more inclined to buy. Plus, I simply enjoy the readings and presentations a lot more than standing around for a couple of hours trying to talk to people I don't know.

My reading or presentation provides a jumping point for engagement. By the time we get to the Q & A, my mind is focused and primed to talk comfortably and somewhat-intelligently about books, writing, and authorship. It's the same thing during mingling after the main event -- a common ground between the audience members and myself is built in.

So it's no more strictly-book-signings for me, but bring on the readings and presentations.

Click here to see where you can catch me next!